Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Forever With You (Fixed; #3)



"Oh the web we weave, when first we decide to deceive."

I couldn't help myself. And personally, I think this quote encompasses this third and final book in the Fixed trilogy.

The mystery is finally revealed, and let me tell you, it really surprised me! I can usually predict what's going to happen, but this came out of no where for me. Needless to say, if I thought outside the box, then maybe I'd get it sooner, but I didn't and it surprised me, and it was awesome! (when the time came)

So... Hudson and Alayna are together and totally in love with each other and there are no more secrets: honesty and transparency is the key. Well, for Alayna it is. Hudson on the other hand... Uh yeah, not really. He's still hiding his secrets and won't disclose anything to Alayna.

The first half of the book was slow and really kinda boring. Nothing really happened other than:
"Hudson what are you hiding?"
"Honesty and transparency"
"I can't tell you everything"
"Hudson are you lying?"
"No" but yeah.
you get the jist.

And guess what, after two whole books, there's still no ily. "The man couldn't say I love you."
And when Hudson finally says the three coveted words... not once, but twice!
took him long enough.

The second half did it for me. Hudson has demons, he's fighting his past. His past always comes to bite him in the ass. And Alayna's ass too, unfortunately. Speaking of which..

CELIA WERNER: hated that bitch. EXCUSE MY FRENCH. But she was horrible and would never quit. It got to the point where I didn't want to finish the book anymore because I couldn't stand seeing her name!

I present to you: Miss Celia Werner.

THE SEX: So, I got fed up* with the steamy scenes in the second book; it was just too much for me to handle. Way too much sex, combined with zero communication = I can't continue this way.
*I skipped every sex scene in this book. Just wanted to get that out there. (That's not to say there was a lot; there was actually very little compared to the previous books, but I just couldn't get myself to read about the same scenes over and over again)

**It is explained in this book why there is so much sex; "With us, it was speech. Which might have something to do with why we still had such trouble talking to each other." Sounds about right!

But I will say, this book did have communication (finally) and at least in the second half, we were able to see that Huds and Laynie didn't need sex in order to be in a relationship. They actually talked. OH AND THEN THEY BROKE UP. 

No sex => break up. And Alayna's miserable. And so is Hudson. But this is the way it has to be. Blah blah blah blah blah.
But it's okay because the last 20% of the book was really good. I felt like I was watching a suspense film!

And the epilogue: IT'S FROM HUDSON'S POV! and it's presh. *precious

  Alayna's constant condescension toward herself really upset me. She depends on Hudson and without him, she truly feels as if she can't go on. I don't know if that's what everyone in love feels like, but I don't. INDEPENDENCE is key. Yes, you have a boyfriend, but don't lose who you are.

Alayna's words:
"In many ways I didn't deserve it."
"But I would never betray him again. I'd grown past that."
"With a sinking horror, I feared that Jordan was right -- Hudson's feelings for me were obvious. Obviously gone."
I sense a pattern.

"dammit, feelings were confusing."

"The problem with secrets -- anything was potentially the truth." (One of my favorites!)

My favorite character was Mira! Absolutely love that girl! She's hilarious and snarky and now with her pregnancy hormones.. She's the best!!!

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