Thursday, November 7, 2013


Wrecking Havok: A Reckless Blog

Reading. It used to be just a pastime, a hobby. But now it's a necessity. It's slowly taking over my life. But I'm okay with that. School? Homework? This. That. I rather be living vicariously through the characters I read about. And no that's not lame. Considering my love life is pretty much nonexistent at this moment, some steamy reads are exactly what I lean to. And let me tell you, they do the trick.

First thing's first: Hi, I'm Christine. (I probably should've started with that huh? Well oops).

Genres: I'm definitely a hopeless romantic, it's the ugly truth. I love romance novels, and stories with HEA (happily ever afters); new adult is probably my fave genre at the moment. I go to college, 19 years young, and living life one day at a time. I'm a complete adrenaline junkie; and I travel the world. (But really, I do).

Steamy romances? Look no further. Really though. Steamy, sexy reads are my forte. Questions? Hit me up. And suggestions, please send them my way!

*If you're interested, I write my reviews on Goodreads as well

So, because I read way more than I should, I decided to start a blog and review the books I read. And I like writing, a reckless writer if you must, so... let's do this

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