Monday, January 12, 2015

Back At It: First book of 2015: LAW MAN

Last year was a crazy ride, with super tough bio and chem classes. But I'm back. And hopefully for good.

Any better way to start off the year than with a Kristen Ashley book? I think not.

(All ratings are out of 5)
Title: Law Man
Author: Kristen Ashley
Cliffhanger: No.
Happily Ever After?: Yes.
Overall Rating : 4
Series: Dream Man (#3)
Steam: VERY
Hero: 5
Heroine: 4
Recommend?: Yes.

Hero: Mitch Lawson
- Police Detective

Heroine: Mara Hanover
- Sells mattresses


Mara has had a "thing" for Mitch (who lives across from her) for a while now. 4 years to be exact. He's (obviously) attractive, has a good job, and has women hanging off him. Thinking she ranks at a 2.5 (out of 10) and Mitch is a clear 10.5, Mara stays away as much as possible (because the 10s aren't in the same league as the 2s. The 10s date other 8-10s while the 2s go out with the 1-3s). She has no self-confidence. One day, she gets a call from a pay phone saying her druggie and drunkard cousin's two kids are waiting at a market alone, she takes off to go get them. On the way out, she (literally) collides into Mitch. And Mitch, being 10.5 Mitch, helps her and drives her to the mart to pick up the kids. From there, starts the romance and the thriller in Law Man.

Altogether, I really liked this book. Sure, it's really nothing "new," but seeing the character development really made me like the book even more. The romance was great, it developed very beautifully. However, my favorite was Mara's gain in self-confidence. She'd been always put down by her poor-excuse-of-a-mom and aunt, and always saw herself as way less than she actually was. Mitch brings out the best in her and helps her see that she is worth so much more than she gives herself credit to.

Also, the kids were great. Billy and Billie (because their dad, BILL, thought it would be HILARIOUS to name his son and daughter both Billie/Billy except with different spellings) were such adorable children. I really felt terrible for the amount of responsibility 10 year old Billy had taken on so early in his life. Kids shouldn't have to worry about having food at home, keeping their sister safe from their dead-beat dad's friends, having money, etc.

The rating system Mara used in "Mara World" was a bit over exaggerated. It was mentioned too many times. Also, Mara was pretty much had no backbone the first half of the book. I think after she got her reality check in the middle about Bill and the mafia and all she grew a backbone, but she wouldn't stand up for herself and it really bothered the feminist inside me.

This wasn't my favorite KA book, I don't think any will take the place of Own The Wind (motorcycles + me = gah!), but it was a very engaging read that kept me on my toes and wondering what was going to happen next!

Favorite lines:

What kind of friend are you?” Billy asked.
“A different kind of friend,” Mitch answered.
“What kind of different?” Billy shot back.
“A good kind of different,” Mitch replied.